Furthermore, his mind was fallow. It had lain fallow all his life so far as the abstract thought of the books was concerned, and it was ripe for the sowing. 而且他的心灵已长期休耕,就书本上的抽象思维而;二,已经休耕了一辈子,最宜于播种。
Low ceilings encourage analytical thinking, while high ceilings can encourage abstract thought and creativity. 较低的天花板能够促进员工的分析思维,而天花板较高则会促进员工的抽象思维和创新能力。
Mr Flynn said: As the world gets more complex, and living in it demands more abstract thought, so people are adapting. Flynn说:世界开始变得越来越复杂,而我们的生活也需要运用更多的抽象思维,所以人们正在渐渐适应。
Using the imagination is the beginning of abstract thought. 发挥想象力是抽象思维的基础。
In the suburban scene, farmers are working in the fields and wealthy people are returning from mourning their ancestors. It had lain fallow all his life so far as the abstract thought of the books was concerned, and it was ripe for the sowing. 先是汴京郊外的景象。农民在田里耕作,有钱人扫墓归来。就书本上的抽象思维而;二,已经休耕了一辈子,最宜于播种。
They began with an abstract thought, discussed it, reminded each other of another abstract point forgotten in the rush of events. 他们从一个抽象的想法开始讨论,相互提醒着在匆忙中,被遗忘的另一个抽象概念。
Art is also able to illustrate abstract thought and its expressions can elicit previously hidden emotions in its audience. 艺术也能说明摘要思想及其表达式可以得到以前隐藏在其观众的情绪。
As a result, quantum phenomena tend to be associated only with the world of elementary particles and with abstract thought experiments, such as the famous but mysterious schr? Dinger's cat, which exists in a quantum state that is simultaneously alive and dead. 结果,量子现象常常只和基本粒子的世界以及抽象的想像实验有关,例如鼎鼎大名却神秘莫测的「薛丁格的猫」,它所存在的量子态,可以同时是活著、又是死的。
Generally speaking, imagery thinking is a peculiar mode of thinking in literary and artistic creation, while abstract thought is a basic way of thinking in scientific research. 一般说来,形象思维是文艺创作的独特的思维方式,而抽象思维则是科学研究的基本方式。
Language is an essential ingredient of abstract thought. 语言是抽象思维的主要成分之一。
In Marx's view, the way by which abstract thought assimilates the world differs from the artistic and religious way. 在马克思看来,抽象思维掌握世界的方式,与艺术、宗教等的方式是不同的。
It may be an abstract thought, or is a complicated delicate motion, but we will try to make it looks interesting and entirely new. 它们要么是抽象的思想,要么是复杂细腻的情绪,但我们会试图使其看起来有趣而又别开生面。
Many dyslexics are good at right-brain, abstract thought, and that's what my kind of creative writing is. 许多有这种问题的人右脑很发达,抽象思维能力也很强,这也是我进行创作性写作之所在。
As for the two development routes applying in human Abstract thought and image thought, human language also forms two languages: proposition language and image language. 对应于人类抽象思维和形象思维两条发展路线,人类语言也形成了两大语类:命题语言和形象语言。
In the first place it is true that many of the problems with which professional philosophers deal do require quite a high level of abstract thought. 首先,职业哲学家处理的那些问题当中有一些,确实需要相当高水平的抽象思维,这是真的。
The mixture of vivid thought of audio-visual image and abstract thought of logic is the characteristics of thought which the students have in the course of P. 体育教学中学生思维的特点是:生动的直观形象思维与抽象的逻辑思维相结合。
When advancing and discovering the problems, the scientists need not only abstract thought and precise reasoning, but also abundant imagination and strong esthetic judgment. 科学家在提出问题和发现问题时,不仅需要抽象思维与严谨的逻辑推理,更需要丰富的想像力和强烈的审美意识。
The significance of philosophy revolution caused from this consists in: thoroughly ending the thinking method of traditional metaphysics, turning the direction to lay stress on the man's physical existence and the thinking method of practice from abstract thought; 由此引发的哲学革命性意义在于:彻底终结了传统形而上学思维方式,从抽象的思辨转向重视人的物质性生存,转向实践思维方式;
The traditional classification of basic mathematical abilities is calculating ability, space imaginative power and abstract thought. 传统的数学能力结构把数学的基本能力分为计算能力、空间想象能力和抽象思维能力。
Several questions on mathematics and abstract thought 关于数学与抽象思维的几个问题
Abstract Thought and Creativity Thought in Reading 论阅读的抽象思维与创造性思维
This article analyses the characteristics of the students who lag behind in abstract thought and puts forward some measures and means to culture their ability. 本文分析了差生数学抽象思维的特点,提出了对差生思维能力培养的措施、方法和手段。
Design pattern is a kind of abstract thought which provides excellent solutions on creation, composition and behavior of object. 设计模式是一种抽象思想,它在对象的创建、组成以及行为等方面提供了一套精练的解决方案。
Teachers should not only have the abstract thought and the thinking in images, but also inspiration thought and intuition thought during their teaching. 在教学过程中既要具备抽象思维和形象思维的能力,还要具备灵感思维和直觉思维的能力。
Proves from the representation to the abstract thought clue, and seeks connection and the difference. 论证一条由表象到抽象的思维线索,并寻找其中的关联与区别。
Cognitive ability is based on the theoretical quality, professional quality, and the ability of fact-finding and research, and the ability of abstract thought. 认识能力建筑在理论素养、业务素养和调查研究能力、抽象思维能力基础之上。
Math is a product of human abstract thought; 数学对象是人类抽象思维的产物;
An organic combination thinking in images with abstract thought is the main character of map design expert's thought. and thinking in images play an important role in map design. 形象思维与抽象思维的有机结合是地图设计专家思维的主要特征,形象思维在地图设计中具有重要的作用。
This paper discusses their relation in terms of the following four aspects: concrete, abstract thought patterns and the skill of conversion; 文章从四个方面对在教学中如何将这二者进行有机结合进行探讨:具体思维、抽象思维与词类转换技巧教学;
The metaphoric influence of a concrete domain on an abstract domain is consistent with the theories of conceptual metaphor and the perceptual symbol system, which posits that abstract thought is grounded in concrete experience. 其中,具体领域对抽象领域的隐喻性影响符合概念隐喻和知觉符号系统理论关于抽象概念的加工是基于具体体验的假设。